Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Red Flats

Over the weekend I made a quick stop over to JustFab and picked up these lovely ladies! 

As I looked through my closest I was shocked that there was not already a pair of red flats in there?! Well thank goodness they were only $30.48! If you haven't checked out JustFab yet please do yourself a favor and go check them out! Everything on-line and in the store is 39.95! And when they send you coupons or you take advantage of their sales, it gets even better! 

Happy Shopping!
 photo Courtney_zpsa7ea05a2.png


  1. Wow, super cute! love the metallic bow! great finding!

  2. Hey Courtney! I just wanted to let you know that I nominated you for a Liebster Award! I love your style and am so glad to have met you through IFB. You are doing a great job with your blog and I look forward to your future looks and our friendship!

    Be sure to check out my blog: for rules and directions on what to do next. Congrats! :-D


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